

  NDS果然係一樣充滿吸引力的玩意!如燕、Rachel專注在玩《Cooking Mama》,嘉琪、詠君、美菾也埋頭苦幹地投入在電子世界內;就連隔離檯的小朋友也被「攝」左埋o黎!

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

aiya, aiya... i love to play cooking mama too!!! keke...

匿名 說...

Ha!Ha!I love to play 孖寶賽車 which had been sold since 2001!I bought a gameboy disk of this game yesterday!Actually,the cost is so cheap!!!!!!The cost is just $58!However, it had been sold $200 five years ago!Luckly,I have had a GBA because of that my aunt give me also 3 or 4 years ago!!!!So,I can buy that for playing!!!!But,I know it can not be my teasure that improtant than God!

匿名 說...

哈哈,又有人中 NDS 毒,似乎 SONY 大敗係 Nintendo 手上