



Ling Chien Li Kenneth(我):有位同學告訴我有人想unfriend我,因為不想每天也被格格的相片洗版。各位我會深切反省的。
  Grace Yong Sing Ping:這是人之常情麼!
Sammy Lau:我諗..豈能盡如人意..? 有人喜歡..有人唔喜歡..! 而且..大家都有權去remove一d自己唔中意既messages 或相..! 各有所好..根本無衝突..! 如果我好中意見到格格既相...咁你因為咁而唔上載d相...咁..我咪少左機會睇下格格囉..? 我已經錯過左幾時見佢既機會..睇到佢愈來愈大..我都好中意佢..! Emma都係..! 在我個人而言..你upload親格格..我都會捧場.! 因為..除左想睇下格格之外..亦係分享你同師姐既喜悅..! 我諗..呢個都係facebook其中一個存在的意義..就係分享大家的喜悅和珍貴的時刻..! 個人愚見..但卻是心底話..! 阿ken,..我支持你繼續放格格既相.! ^^
  Jovi Poon:唔LIKE的話可以唔睇..做人父母就一定想分享自己既子女事情,支持你^^
Karen Ling:yes ar...if the person don't want to see so don't see lor~ no one push him/her, coz I think more people "like" more than unlike" lor~ just my opintion :P
  Ling Chien Li Kenneth:哈哈,我相信果位同學都係講笑,我更相信有好多人愛錫、支持格格BB!
Karen Ling:Haha...so you need to let "果位同學"know if he/she say a wrong thing, the effect is he/her wall have many :unlike" wakaka~
  Sammy Lau:我都希望個位同學係講笑..! ^^ haha!! 所以阿ken你都唔洗太認真去對待個d."講笑"既.!! ^^
Kan Chan:佢提吓您們要拍吓拖 , 勿只有囡囡 , 冇咗老公老婆姐
  Stephen Li:Ken : I think just someone's kidding! Don't keep it in mind. I love to share your happiness and see Gege's growing up day by day. So, just go ahead as usual.!!!!!(^0*)
Ling Chien Li Kenneth:Sammy, 乜你用埋格格張相做profile ar..
  Ling Chien Li Kenneth:勤師姐,我深明呢個道理,所以奉行:一天父、二老婆、三格格,我由細已經灌輸呢套思想俾阿囡,我都相信佢會明白。
Ching Ka Wai:Ken: 支持你的論點,每天打開FB見到格格的照片便會很開心。
  Chun Li:我想你洗多幾次...
Ryan Lau:其實invisible 左你既資訊就可以, 唔駛unfriend~
  Ryan Lau:of course i think your friend is just kidding~
Angela Chan:洗版 Ha Ha !
  Raymond Sook:HAHA~開心野當然要分享下LA~ =P
Samantha Leung:i can totally understand how it feels to be the first time parents... babies change everyday and we wanna capture their every move! and we want to share this joy with our friends as well... so, please do not stop uploading gaga for our pleasure!!!!!
  Ching Ka Wai:Ken:反省之後每天仍要放格格的相,好嗎?見唔到格格的照片,我會有失落感架喎。
Sammy Lau:KEN..係呀..我本來已經用左格格幅相做profile picture.! 不過..已經有人以格格係我既...haha!! 我驚引起恐荒..亦係為左格格著想..所以..都係轉返好d囉.! 雖然唔捨得..haha...曾經post過..擁有過.就心滿意足.! 不過..真係有人話.格格好可愛..!! anyway..thank you very much!! ^^
  Ling Chien Li Kenneth:多謝各位。深切反省後決定:今晚唔post相,明天再為大家洗版!預告;今日都影左一百幾廿張相!
Stephen Li:期待!!!!
  Angela Chan:Kenneth,多謝你 post 咁多格格的相,雖然無時間睇晒,但看到些得意的相,對我來說,也是很好減壓良方。格格真的很趣緻,我曾經想過去你教會見見「真人版」呢!格格真幸福,有個攝影大師爸爸,為她從小留下美好回憶。
Ching Ka Wai:同上!

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