


  堂家姐Danny和她的韓國朋友Ms. Kim從日本來港工幹,當然要帶她們嚐一嚐潮州美食吧!今晚的菜式有:鹵水鵝片、蝦蟹棗、蒸鯧魚、方魚炒芥蘭、炒蝦球雞球、方魚肉碎粥、糖醋麵、豆沙奶黃水晶包等等!真的很喜歡吃潮州菜呀!


4 則留言:

Robin 說...

KenGor, not 滔 gor, (ahaha)

Thank you so much, for both the photo and the kind offer!

I'm sure Ms. Kim would appreciate these fantastic dishes. (even better than Korean food.) Proud to be a half Swatow, hehe!

(Jhai Sa le) it's supposed to be Swatow, but I don't know what it means. (heard that from my Granny, always, at the end of her conversations.)

鹵水鵝片、蝦蟹棗, and 方魚肉碎粥 are waiting for me!!!!!!!

3 more weeks to go, in Wales, then I will be back to Scotland.

Zara, Zion, Jodie & Kengor 說...

Jhai Sa Le means "Thank You" ar...

Robin 說...

Jhai Sa Le! hehehe

Unknown 說...

I miss chau chow food too =~~~~
