
希臘文 vs 希伯來文


  其實數年前她已經唸過希臘文(還有亞蘭文;我聽見都頭痛),現在她則以旁聽生的身份在課堂中溫故知新。但在同一時間裡她就被兩種不同的語言令到她有點混淆了!她是位勤勞的小朋友,除自製了「字母咭」在坐車時溫習,還學習唱希伯來文的「字母歌」!看見她很認真地學習我當然替她高興,但其實我也怕她會給自己太大的壓力,因為她說連發夢也在背希臘文,看電視口中也諗諗「sere, patah, qames.......」真的很心痛呀!求主賜她智慧、知識和聰明吧!

1 則留言:

  1. tell you the truth, I have totally forgot all the alphabetical order of both Greek and Hebrew. However, I thank God that I'm still able to read the words.

    Useful advice. Try to remember all the Greek vocabs' meaning in English, it helps a lot!

    And Hebrew is for those who are good at maths, so therefore I can't manage it at all.

    Beth=house + Lehem=Bread = The House of Bread (Bethlehem)

    Oh, I hate maths!!!!!!!

    I shall keep you in my prayers.
