How are you all? I hope you enjoy the time preparing for the wedding! Congratulation indeed!
Actually, I just found out you guys’ blog on the church website. It’s good to have some more people using blogspot.
Please accept my apology for I won’t be present on that big day!
I was busy doing a placement in a church last summer, and it went very well. This Christmas I might have to preach in Germany in my friend’s church, in which I will do the English and he translate it into German. I haven’t decided yet still, because I might have to spend some more time on Greek and Hebrew this Christmas. Original languages are difficult, but extremely important!
Anyway, I hope you guys will get things organised little by little. Feel free to drop a line on my blog!
Wish you all the blessings from the One who rules over us with grace and mercy!
Hey Ken and Jode,
回覆刪除How are you all? I hope you enjoy the time preparing for the wedding! Congratulation indeed!
Actually, I just found out you guys’ blog on the church website. It’s good to have some more people using blogspot.
Please accept my apology for I won’t be present on that big day!
I was busy doing a placement in a church last summer, and it went very well. This Christmas I might have to preach in Germany in my friend’s church, in which I will do the English and he translate it into German. I haven’t decided yet still, because I might have to spend some more time on Greek and Hebrew this Christmas. Original languages are difficult, but extremely important!
Anyway, I hope you guys will get things organised little by little. Feel free to drop a line on my blog!
Wish you all the blessings from the One who rules over us with grace and mercy!
Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland!
In Christ alone,
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