
Have a Mary Christmas


  講員最後祝願大家「Have a Mary Christmas」過一個「馬利亞式的聖誕」,在假日熱鬧狂歡的氣氛下;謹記聖誕的真正意義,要尊主為大、心和靈以救主耶穌基督為樂!

3 則留言:

Kasia Fiołek 說...

Nice pics. I don't understand a word you are saying but nevermind. The pictures speak for themselves. And these are my chrismas pics - i come from a small town in Poland and this is how it looks like in December: http://www.odyssei.com/pl/travel-article/12020.html

匿名 說...

where you come from!

匿名 說...

Although there are differences in content, but I still want you to establish Links, I do not know how you advice!